Molly Olis Krost (they/she) is a Filipina Jewish playwright splitting their time between the Bay Area and Seattle. Their plays explore the constant collisions of the human experience: collisions with others, with our society, and within ourselves. They incorporate ritual and faith, in a variety of forms, to manifest the emotions that often exist beyond words. They love to blur the line between reality and the fantastical and all the creative possibilities that can create for the artists they collaborate with. Their play NANAY was a semi-finalist for the National Playwrights Conference and finalist for the Bay Area Playwrights Festival. Their play WHAT WE FOUND was a finalist for the National Jewish Play Contest and the Bay Area Playwrights Festival. They were a 2022 Finalist for Theater J's Expanding the Canon.
Their plays have been performed or are forthcoming at Magic Theatre, Z Space, San Francisco Playhouse, PlayGround, The Parsnip Ship, Awesome Theatre, Clutch Productions, MaArte Theatre Collective, Ain’t I A Woman Playfest, and SOMArts Cultural Center. They were awarded the Gita Specker First Place Award for Best Dramatic Monologue by the San Francisco Browning Society. Their writing has been published in {m}aganda magazine. They hold an MFA in Playwriting from San Francisco State University and BA's in Classical Civilizations and Theater and Performance Studies from UC Berkeley. When not writing, Molly enjoys painting, baking, crafting, and misquoting song lyrics.